The first priority is making the house wheelchair accessible, to put in a driveway to the back door, that has access to the main floor. If there is any company or business that could donate any part of this project please contact us. We realize this is the season for construction so even if we can get it done in phases we will adapt.
Along with the driveway is where we need help funding medical needs that the Insurance company continues to fight us on. 1)Dynasplints for the ankle about $3,000 each and Dynasplints for the wrist about $2,500 each.
2) Thera Cycle Pro about $4,800 but most insurance companies we asked do not cover this but it is vital in her musclier recovery.
3) Syringes to administer her medicine when the (very limited) monthly covered supplies break or stop working about a $50 monthly cost
4) Oral care suction brushes to prevent toothpaste from going in her lungs about a $200 monthly cost.
5) Chucks (like pet pads) used to catch accidental overflow at night when traveling or even just relaxing on the couch with the family. About a $300 monthly cost. We have been lucky so far that we have had these directly donated by some clinics.
6) Over the counter medications not covered by insurance which fluctuates from $200-$400 a month.
As you can see there are several monthly medical expenses we were not really expecting and this is why we are changing the other priorities to distant dreams. God will find a way and let our prayers guide us in H.E.R.
e-mail us with ways you can help info@ItIsAboutHER.com
We are reaching out to find see if there are other charities that could help as we feel that we have exhausted nearly all the one we can think of. John is still in the Active Duty Air Force and a lot of the assistance he has tried to get is mainly for the veteran (which is awesome) and the kids of the veteran but Ellie turned 18 before this happens so the programs have been limited in that capacity. John is also looking at retiring in December after 26 years of service and we cannot really afford to compile more debt when we do not have an income to count on next year. So please reach out or let me know how to reach out to your charities so we can possibly get some grants or some no-interest loans to help pay for our daughter's home care. Since we are a single income family John has had to completely shut down all our retirement investment contributions to squeeze every penny out of my paycheck and savings to sustain us to this point. Ellie's case is still under investigation we are also limited to other victims of violent crime agencies we can utilize. We were doing fine the first few months but this whole thing is really starting to put a strain on our finances and some of the opportunities I can give all the other girls.
Please help us reach our goals to make the transition easier for Ellie. *UPDATE Jul 22- Now that Ellie has been home for a few months, we are continuing to struggle with the new insurance provider and get equipment and supplies for Ellie's care. She requires Splints to prevent her hands and feet from permanently becoming disfigured NOT COVERED. She needs special oral care adapters so she does not choke on the toothpaste NOT COVERED. Simple Chucks(like super pet pads) to keep a rash from developing. NOT COVERED. The 90ml syringes to give her medicine into her GI tube the insurance only provides us half dozen a month. We were basically told to wash and reuse them for the whole month. Please keep in mind we have to use the same ones 4 times a day for about a month and the little plastic syringes do not hold up well getting washed and used that much. A leg and arm motion machine to keep her joints from becoming stiff NOT COVERED. So many things we are having to pay out of pocket, we would love a to her the addition but in reality, we just need some simple equipment and supplies that are basically adding up to the cost of any of our goals. We want to set a goal (dream) of $70,000 which we know is huge amount but we think with this amount we will be able to maintain a good standard of home living for Ellie and the rest of the family even John has a rough time finding a new job after he retires.

The second priory is purchasing a used van that has been modified by the VMI Company to be ADA compliant so we do not have to move Ellie to the car seat to the wheelchair. We currently have to wheel her out to our Ford C-Max car from the back of the house, across the yard and down the sidewalk to the car on the lower level then disconnect most of the machines, pick her up and place her in the passenger seat. Once Jennifer gets Ellie's stiff legs bent so she can get them in the car she then reconnects all the machines, and finally break down the wheelchair and pack it in the back of the car with all the other supplies. *UPDATE 1 Jul We purchased a hitch for the car to put a wheelchair platform on the back of the car so we just have to tie it down without cramming it into the back of the car. We have finally got this process down to about a half hour be it is obviously a big discomfort (some time pain few) to Ellie be her facial expressions since she still cannot talk yet. The loading and unloading Ellie is really starting to take a toll on Jennifer and I fear she will overdo it and possibly hurt her self and maybe Ellie but she does try to wait until I get home to help out. With the ADA converted van the passenger’s seat can simply roll out and Ellie can be rolled in and fastened safety, quickly and conformability (more than handling her). This priority is the biggest part of the budget at about $50,000.

The last priority (well distant dream) for Ellie by building a 20’x 30’ addition to the side of our current house specifically for Ellie from the bathroom, bedroom, to a therapy area for her rehabilitation with a way to access both floors of our house without having to go outside. We are currently waiting on some bids after the AssistUtah.org designers evaluate our house and the possibilities for the ADA compliant addition. As we are finding out expenses from escalating NON-Covered medical equipment are climbing and pushing this project out. We have adapted the upstairs as much as possible but even if there a chance we can even get an enclosed elevator Ellie would be able to get to her room without having to go outside and wheel downhill this winter. From my experience as a Construction Manager for Habitat for Humanity, I plan to do a lot of work myself with some help from the neighbors and friends
(UPDATE 8 Aug) A GRANT from the Air Force Aid Society is making the Theracycle possible(most funding from this organization is a 0% loan but we were blessed with a grant!). This was made possible by the great people at the Airman Family and Readiness Center like the EFMP coordinator, Tammy. She helped write a letter on our family behalf to help explain or situation. Also, Ellie's occupational Therapy specialist wrote a letter to the private organization explaining the critical need for this therapy bike.

(UPDATE 8 Aug) A generous donation from Operation Warm Heart is making the driveway possible to start before winter. We are also getting some assistance from the neighborhood LDS community and business to help with some of the aspects of the project. The help is going to greatly reduce the cost and let us put some other needed wheelchair modification in place before the winter for Ellie. This funded project is going to be a huge help for us, just a little more area to remove snow but well worth it for Ellie's health and safety. - Thank You and God Bless for this miracle we will post pictures as progress is made in a few weeks.


As this page grows, I would like post sponsorships to Ellie's Page for everyone to see the companies or organization that are helping us our more than we could every dream!